, plotPhyloTree
, estNetwork
, and plotHaploNetwork
functions to fix some errors.calcGRM
function so that it can compute the genomic relationship matrix with the input of marker genotype scored with {0, 1} or {-1, 0}.calcGRM
function so that it can compute the genomic relationship matrix with the input of marker genotype scored with {0, 1, 2}.See
function so that it can show the shorter results for list
objects.method = "Sidak"
option in the CalcThreshold
by explicitly extracting each element from the matrix by using .coeff
to n.core
and added the argument parallel.method
in the estPhylo
and estNetwork
and estNetwork
functions so that they can perform parallel computing even in Windows OS by using the parallel.compute
and estNetwork
functions so that they can return a n x h matrix where n is the number of genotypes and h is the number of haplotypes for each block of interest. Also, they were extended so that they could perform k-medoids clustering to define the haplotype when the number of haplotypes is predefined.parallel.compute
function so that parallel.method = 'foreach'
option can return the same values as parallel.method = 'mclapply'
argument to the MAF.cut
function so that it can also remove markers with a large heterozygous rate.score.calc
and score.calc.MC
argument beforehand inside the RGWAS.multisnp
, RGWAS.epistasis
, and RGWAS.multisnp.interaction
, score.calc.LR.MC
, and EM3.general
function when showing array
objects.We added subpop
argument to calcGRM
function. By utilizing subpop
argument, you can consider the difference of allele frequencies between sub-populations when computing the genomic relationship matrix. This argument is only valid when NOIA methods are selected.
We added how to compute the marker effects from the GBLUP results in the example of EMM.cpp
We implemented new functions for testing the interaction between each SNP-set (haplotype block) and the genetic background (or epistasis with polygenes). The functions to compute p-values for those effects are
, and the function to perform haplotype-block based GWAS including such interaction effects is RGWAS.multisnp.interaction
. We also added the function to NAMESPACE
We implemented a new function adjustGRM
, which adjusts genomic relationship matrices when there is population structure. The function utilizes the true/estimated sub-population information (population membership) to estimated each variance component corresponding to each sub-population. We added the function to NAMESPACE
We implemented a new function convertBlockList
, which converts a list of haplotype blocks estimaed by PLINK to the format which can be inputted as a gene.set
argument in RGWAS.multisnp
, RGWAS.multisnp.interaction
, and RGWAS.epistasis
functions. We added the function to NAMESPACE
file. We also added the data.table
package to the Suggests list in the DESCRIPTION file.
We removed the RGWAS.normal
function from the imported functions in NAMESPACE
file because the function did not catch up with the latest version of the RAINBOWR
We added a new argument map.gene.set
to RGWAS.multisnp
, RGWAS.multisnp.interaction
, RGWAS.epstasis
, RGWAS.twostep
, and RGWAS.twostep.epi
functions. If this argument is NULL, the map will be constructed by genesetmap
function after the SNP-set GWAS. It will take some time, so you can reduce the computational time by assigning this argument beforehand.
We also updated the
for vignettes.
, RGWAS.normal.interaction
, RGWAS.multisnp
, RGWAS.epstasis
, RGWAS.twostep
, and RGWAS.twostep.epi
functions because there were some modifications with the function arguments.ggtree
package from Imports list, and moved it to Suggests list in the DESCRIPTION file. By doing this, errors caused by the installation of ggtree
package are now eliminated.We implemented new functions for testing the interaction between each SNP and the genetic background. The functions to compute p-values for those effects are
, and the function to perform SNP-based GWAS including such interaction effects is RGWAS.normal.interaction
. We also added the to NAMESPACE
We implemented a new function is.diag
, which judges a matrix is diagonal or not.
We implemented a new function parallel.compute
, which enables us to perform parallel computation easily with the three different methods: mclapply
, furrr
, and foreach
. This function is utilized in score.calc.MC
, score.calc.LR.MC
, score.calc.score.MC
, score.calc.epistasis.LR.MC
, score.calc.epistasis.score.MC
, and
We implemented a new function EM3.general
, which enables us to solve mixed-effects model with the three different packages: RAINBOWR
, gaston
, and MM4LMM
We also added the four functions above to the NAMESPACE file to be exported correctly.
We fixed some mistakes in EM3.cpp
and EM3.linker.cpp
functions when computing Vinv
. We also added new arguments of return.u.always
, return.u.each
, and return.Hinv
, and a new return of u.each
as a u
in the older version. We also modified a return of u
to the summation of genotypic values.
We rewrote the codes in score.calc
, score.calc.MC
, and GWAS_F_test
(C++) functions so that it can test multiple fixed effects simultaneously.
We fixed some parts in RGWAS.normal
, RGWAS.multisnp
, and RGWAS.epstasis
functions when using covariate
, covariate.factor
, and structure.matrix
We added a new argument skip.check
in RGWAS.normal
, RGWAS.multisnp
, RGWAS.epstasis
, RGWAS.twostep
, and RGWAS.twostep.epi
functions. As default, RAINBOWR checks the type of input data and modifies it into the correct format. However, it will take some time, so if you prepare the correct format of input data, you can skip this procedure by setting skip.check = TRUE
We introduced a new argument package.MM
in RGWAS.normal
, RGWAS.multisnp
, RGWAS.epstasis
, RGWAS.twostep
, RGWAS.twostep.epi
, score.calc
, score.calc.MC
, score.calc.LR
, score.calc.LR.MC
, score.calc.epistasis.LR
, score.calc.epistasis.LR.MC
, and
functions. By changing this argument, you can choose which package is used to solve the mixed-effects model in GWAS from the following three packages: RAINBOWR
, gaston
, and MM4LMM
We introduced a new argument parallel.method
in RGWAS.normal
, RGWAS.multisnp
, RGWAS.epstasis
, RGWAS.twostep
, RGWAS.twostep.epi
, score.calc.MC
, score.calc.LR.MC
, score.calc.score.MC
, score.calc.epistasis.LR.MC
, score.calc.epistasis.score.MC
, and
functions. In the older version, you can just use the pbmcapply::pbmclapply
function for parallel computation, but now you can choose the parallel computation method from the following three methods: mclapply
, furrr
, and foreach
We largely corrected the functions related to epstatic tests; RGWAS.epistasis
, RGWAS.twostep.epi
, score.calc.epistasis.LR
, score.calc.epistasis.score
, score.calc.epistasis.LR.MC
, and score.calc.epistasis.score.MC
functions. This is because how to compute the interaction term between two haplotype blocks was wrong in the older version. We also added a new argument
to choose whether skipping the computation for the epistatsis of self-interaction.
We added gaston
and MM4LMM
packages to Imports list in the DESCRIPTION file because these packages are required when you use these packages with package.MM
argument. We also added lmm.aireml
, lmm.diago
, and MMEst
functions to be imported in the NAMESPACE file.
We added adegenet
, furrr
, future
, progressr
, foreach
, and doParallel
packages to Suggests list in the DESCRIPTION file according to the implementation of new functions and arguments.We also removed ggplot2
, ggtree
, scatterpie
, and phylobase
packages from Imports list, and moved it to Suggests list in the DESCRIPTION file.
package from Imports list, and moved it to Suggests list in the DESCRIPTION file. This is because the package phangorn
, which is used in the haplotypes
package, is now scheduled for archival on 2021-04-19.We added a dependency on Rfast
package to perform the faster computation of distance matrix. We also added an option of pamonce = 5
in cluster::pam
function to save the cost of performing k-medoids analysis.
We removed a dependency on pblapply
package since the package is actually not needed in the RAINBOWR package. We also removed parallel
package from Imports list in DESCRIPTION file because parallel
package is initially installed in R. We also removed plotly
package from Imports list, and moved it to Suggests list in the DESCRIPTION file.
package since the future of the rgl
package is unstable. Instead, we used plot_ly
function in plotly
package to draw 3d plots for results of epistasis GWAS. We added dependency on plotly
, here
, and htmlwidgets
function related to the case where the markers in haplotype block list are not included in the marker genotype.EMM1.cpp
function). We also added the argument n.core
for the functions that includes the mixed-effects model by EMM1.cpp
.We modified the estPhylo
and estNetwork
functions. Now, these functions can output the ggplot version of phylogenetic trees or haplotype networks. We also added ggtree
, ggplot2
, scatterpie
, phylobase
, haplotypes
, and ggimage
packages in the NAMESPACE
files because these packages are used in the estPhylo
and estNetwork
We also added the plotPhyloTree
and plotHaploNetwork
functions to plot phylogenetic tree / haplotype network from the estimated results.
We added the estNetwork
function to estimate and plot haplotype network. We also added pegas
package in the NAMESPACE
files because this package is used in the estNetwork
We fixed some parts related to the estimation of haplotype effects in the estPhylo
function. We also added the optimization part both in the estPhylo
& estNetwork
We added the calcGRM
function to calculate genomic relationship matrix (GRM). The parts that calculate GRMs in other functions and examples were replaced to use calcGRM
function. We also added stringr
package in the NAMESPACE
files because these packages are used in the calcGRM
We fixed some parts related to estimate the siginificance of dominance effects in score.calc.LR
, score.calc.LR.MC
, score.calc.score
, score.calc.score.MC
, score.epistasis.LR
, score.epistasis.score
function was fixed thanks to Dr. Ishimori.class(obj) == "try-error"
was modified to try-error %in% class(obj)
in order to deal with the cases where the obj has more than one class (to avoid warnings).Found the following (possibly) invalid URLs:
From: inst/doc/RAINBOWR.html
Status: 200
Message: OK
CRAN URL not in canonical form
The canonical URL of the CRAN page for a package is
Then, we fixed this by using the canonical URL of the CRAN package "" in inst/doc/RAINBOWR.html
We added the citation file for RAINBOWR becuase our paper about RAINBOWR had been published in PLOS Computational Biology ( We also changed the Description
file to update the reference information.
We added the estPhylo
function to estimate and plot the phylogenetic tree for the block of interest. This function will also estimate the genotypic values for the block of interest. We also added ape
and cluster
packages in the NAMESPACE
files because these packages are used in the estPhylo
We fixed some parts related to the treatment of the missing in marker genotypes.
As the previous version, if the marker genotype has missing values, errors will be occurred in RGWAS.normal
, RGWAS.multisnp
, RGWAS.epistasis
, RGWAS.twostep
, and RGWAS.twostep.epi
Then, we changed the R code in the RGWAS.normal
, RGWAS.multisnp
, and RGWAS.epistasis
functions as follows.
Before <- Z.A[not.NA, ] %*% M
if (sum( == 0) { <- Z.A[not.NA, ] %*% M
} else { <- M[apply(Z.A[not.NA, ], 1, function(x) which(x == 1)), ]